Saturday, May 15, 2010

21 weeks and 3 days

I know I know..I am not doing very well on keeping up with my blogs. BUT on my defense, I broke our computer. Yes, I broke it. So I am at work now at the apartments where Mike and I use to live using this computer..and working :). I am sure you are asking how I broke my computer..well let me tell ya! I had the laptop on my lap while also enjoying a cup of hot chocolate..also on my lap. Cali comes running in the room with my clothes in her mouth and so I leaned over to grab it out of her mouth and the cup went with my big ol' belly and spilled into the computer! I was sick about it..but thank God, really, for Costco's return policy! 90 days to return the laptop even tho I damaged it!! Pretty cool!! So we returned just looking for another laptop to buy.

Well we are at 21 weeks now with our baby boy. I'm feeling great! And really loving this baby moving in me! So much fun! He really can kick. A few times I actually jumped, he surprised me so much. Mike and I were watching TV last night and I felt some rolling around in my tummy. I wasn't sure if the lil guy was awake or just rolling but then KICK..I jumped and grabbed Mike's hand so he could hopefully feel it. He has been wanting to feel baby Zion (yes, Zion is his name :)) kick forever now. Mike waited patiently and kick, kick. Zion did 2 good kicks for daddy to feel! It was so neat. I am so happy Mike got to feel it. Everyday the kicks get stronger and I'm enjoying every minute of it!

When we get another laptop, I promise I'll get some pictures up of the belly :)

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

19 weeks 6 days

Big Ultrasound.

Today was the day we found out what we're having! Mike and I had a feeling what it was going to be but either way would have been totally stoked! We got in the car on the way to the doctors office praying for baby to be cooperative..and of course healthy! They called us into the room and we started the ultrasound..

The lady turned on the computer and 2 seconds later froze the picture and asked, "Do ya see anything"? I said, "Are those balls"?...she said...YEP! So we're having a BOY!! We are so excited! The lady doing our ulrtasound asked the baby to turn over and he listened! He's such a good boy already. We got great pictures and so far everything looks good! We are so happy and blessed.

This last week my cousin Kelly came to visit. It was a nice taste of home and fun being with my 3 weeks ahead of me pregnant cousin. hehe. Mike and I have been going through the calendar looking for dates to get back to CA to visit. We can't wait..we miss our family and friends so much!

Sunday, April 18, 2010


So unfortunetly today I am sick. Stuffy nose. Sneezing. Coughing. Heachache. Yuck. I wanted today to be the day I posted pictures of our home. But no energy to clean today. Not to say our house isn't already clean..I just want it spectacular =) But I do have great pictures of our pup Cali. So I told you how she made friends with the neighbor lab. Well apparently they felt too far apart through the fence so decided to dig a hole on each end. I went to go get her outside when I see her stuck upside down in a hole, under the fence! And there is the black lab digging on the other side trying to help her! It was quite funny where I felt the need to keep her there long enough to grab my camera and take a pic. Anyway, so I thought she had learned her lesson and she wouldn't try going under the fence anymore when Mike tells me yesterday morning, "Cali is on the other side!" I ran out worried she was getting eaten by the big dog..but no they were just rolling on the grass playing. Oh well. It keeps her busy and tired for bedtime.

We had to miss church this morning because I was feeling so sick. Which is a bummer for us because we just love the music! We are so happy we found this church. Reminds me of my church back at home..and the Pastor is super funny! Well a few things about it..Mike and I have to leave about 30 mins before church actually starts because there's so many roads to take to get there. I told my friend what church we went to and she said she drives by it all the time to get to the mall...long story short haha..she knew a back way to get there by only taking one road! So that was super cool. Saves us time. Well we couldn't make it this Sunday, but we did get to watch Pastor David on skype from my church back at home. So that was a nice treat.

Anyway, when I am feeling better I will get those pictures posted soon of the house! Until then here is a pic of the belly! And just so you know where we are in our pregnancy..17 weeks means the baby is 5 inches long and weighs about 5 ounces. Also, the baby is developing his hearing. So I have been trying to stop and talk to the baby..and they say rub the belly too, to make the baby feel comforted and grow a bond. Not sure if the baby really knows I'm rubbing my belly, but it gives us more of an excuse to be rubbing :) But Mike reads to the baby every night, so now the baby will be able to hear his/her daddy telling him/her how much he loves him/her.

Thursday, April 15, 2010


So Mike and I decided we wanted to share our lives with our family and friends back at home..which brought us to blogging! I'm actually excited about it! I think it will be a great way for everyone to be caught up with what's going on in our lives here in WA. So I hope you enjoy reading about our journey.

For a quick update..last most people knew besides getting married 4 months earlier than what people thought..and announcing we're pregnant..was that we are living in Medical Lake, WA..about 7 miles away from the base. Well, we moved from there and now living on base. Which I like a whole lot better! I have been meeting other wives which has been good for me..potential babysitters =). Of course other exciting news we got Cali! The new addition to our family. She is a puggle...and a little terror! But so gosh darn cute!! We love her..most of the time! She has a best friend, Frankie. She is a pug from one of the girls I have been hanging out with a lot lately. The dogs usually just wrestle whenever they see each other. But another friend Cali has made is a black lab that lives behind us..Cali was so scared of her but now they both lay on the grass with the fence in between them licking each other's noses. They truly love each other.

And for another update.. I am now 17 weeks pregnant! Can you believe it?! Time flies..and my belly grows! I rolled out of bed knowing I felt different..and boy did I sure look it. I felt 2 months more pregnant than before I went to bed. Also, I felt the baby kick this last week! I've read it feels like "butterflies flying in your stomach" or popcorn popping. Not sure what that feels like so I stopped trying to figure out what butterflies feels like in your lower abdomen. I was still. I was quiet. And sure enough, I was laying on my back and I felt it kick me! from the inside. And it felt like..a baby kicking me from the inside. lol So I'm pretty sure, so we'll see if the lil one kicks again soon to confirm.

I'll get pictures on here soon of our new house..just wanted to get this thing started! I was way excited about it! Mostly for your sake! And hang in there all you belly fans. Pictures will be posted soon of that too. Oh! Which reminds me to tell you..May 4th we find out what we're having. Which isn't necessary to go to the doctors..because we already "know" we're having a boy :).